Issue 1267
October 2, 2024

About The Autoextremist

Peter M. DeLorenzo has been immersed in all things automotive since childhood. Privileged to be an up-close-and-personal witness to the glory days of the U.S. auto industry, DeLorenzo combines that historical legacy with his own 22-year career in automotive marketing and advertising to bring unmatched industry perspectives to the Internet with, which was founded on June 1, 1999. DeLorenzo is known for his incendiary commentaries and laser-accurate analysis of the automobile business, automotive design, as well as racing and the business of motorsports. DeLorenzo is considered to be one of the most influential voices commenting on the business today and is regularly engaged by car companies, ad agencies, PR firms and motorsport entities for his advice and counsel.

DeLorenzo's most recent book is Witch Hunt (Octane Press It is available on Amazon in both hardcover and Kindle formats, as well as on iBookstore. DeLorenzo is also the author of The United States of Toyota.

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The Autoextremist - Rants



Editor's Note: In this week's Rant, we launch our infamous AE Brand Image Meter, Peter’s no-holds-barred assessment of most of the brands currently doing business in the auto industry. (Yes, some are left out intentionally). As a snapshot of what’s happening in the business right now, this is a remarkable 9,000-word treatise that will be poured over by industry professionals for weeks to come. In On The Table, we feature a teaser video for the new Corvette ZR1, and we take a look at the all-new 2025 Toyota 4Runner. Next, we preview the new - and extremely underwhelming - 2025 Buick Enclave. We also report the demise of Hagerty's "Detroit Concours," which was the "Answer to the Question that Absolutely No One Was Asking" from the get-go, and for the financially gifted swells who can participate, we look at the 1000 Miglia. And our AE Song of the Week is "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield. In Fumes, Peter debuts a new series "The Racers" – this week featuring the great Dan Gurney. And finally, in The Line, the results from the Japanese Grand Prix. Enjoy! -WG


By Peter M. DeLorenzo

Detroit. Diving into our AE Brand Image Meter is always a challenge, because this damn business has been so fraught with turmoil of late that it’s hard to tell which players are worthy of consideration and which are still searching for a glimpse of a clue. But that’s why you’re here, so we’ll be happy to sort it all out for you.

Needless to say, this industry’s embrace of the “Grand Transition” to EV Land has turned into – for some – a pirouette into The Darkness, as the myriad problems associated with bringing EVs to fruition – including a functioning supply chain, raw material sourcing, battery makeup and assembly, supplier competence, the fundamental ability to actually build the vehicles in at least approaching a somewhat timely manner and, of course, the pricing – have turned this business on its ear. To say that it has been a three-steps forward, five-steps back dance of abject mediocrity is an understatement. Or, to put it more accurately, as we like to say around here, it has been a giant, steaming bowl of Not Good.

For some EV acolytes there is no downside, because they’ve managed to arrive at a point in their auto lives that EVs work exceedingly well for them. That these shiny-happy drivers tend to be on the affluent side of the automotive ownership spectrum is no secret, as the auto manufacturers pumped-out “show pony” EVs hovering around 100k to satisfy those with a runaway case of first-on-the block itch. But for the rest of the real driving world, due to the recurring problems of an inadequate infrastructure, a recalcitrant, under-serviced charging network, piss-poor performance in extreme cold weather (and hot too, by the way), EVs remain an urban-only niche vehicle out of the reach for many.

Fortunately, the broad makeup of our nation’s driving fleet still has room for ICE vehicles, including a rapid increase in the desire for hybrids, as people are realizing more and more that the “Grand Transition” to EVs is realistically a good half-decade away, or more.

That the “Grand Transition” has upended the brand image for many car companies is no secret, either. Some companies are flailing about trying to exist in the Twilight Zone between EVs and ICE vehicles, some are “all-in” on the EV “thing” come hell or high water, and some are, well, just trying to keep themselves off of the canvas. That brand image wrangling has decidedly taken a back seat for some of these auto companies is a burgeoning reality, partially because there seems to be a lack of belief by certain CEOs in the basic concept of marketing in the first place. And they are paying the price for those misguided notions too.

Another reality in today’s market? Prices are too damn high, financing is crushingly expensive, and payments are averaging hundreds of dollars more than they once were. In this calamitous environment, with usurious 84-month – and longer – financing being shoved down consumer throats again and lease prices becoming untenable, it’s no surprise then that “brand image” is taking a back seat, reduced to a dismal dance of “How much is that a month?” 

But as much as this environment isn’t conducive to an analysis of brands, Brand Wranglers throughout the Autoverse still quake in their bespoke marketing boots dreading the thought of another AE Brand Image Meter column. I imagine that it’s like waiting for a root canal appointment: You know it’s coming but there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. As for the weasels and wankers who are riding a perpetually weak brand hand – you know who you are – it is going to be a particularly Bad Day. Ah well, who said life in the auto biz was going to be all bunny rabbits and rainbows, right?

There’s a reason our Brand Image Meter issue is one of our most-anticipated and widely read columns of the year. Brand image wrangling is the mystery science that brings out the best – and worst – in auto executives, with some being naturally savvy stewards of their brands, while others stumble around lost in the desert, achieving only fleeting success. The rest? Well, to say they well and truly suck at it is being kind.

If we were a certain kind of publication, our AE Brand Image awards would come gift-wrapped with glittery trophies and massive publicity campaigns attached, and we would be ka-ching-ing a happy tune as auto companies advertised their success to the world, with the Autoextremist brand logo prominently displayed in those ads. But we’re not slimy purveyors of vacuous marketing streams, thank goodness. We are, however, confident in the knowledge that the AE Brand Image Meter column has been in the top three in unique visitors and page views each and every time we have presented it, garnishing loads of buzz and in some cases, voluminous and pitiful “woe is me” and "we're screwed" hand-wringing in executive suites throughout the industry. And coming up on our 25th year of publication, that’s not about to change.

As I’ve said previously, when it comes to the power of brands and the inescapable importance of brand image, it’s the one thing that car companies – both good and bad – cannot escape. How a brand is perceived can make or break a car company, regardless of how long and illustrious a run that brand has enjoyed up until any given point in time, because one false move or one discordant note can be crippling in a matter of months.

Not surprisingly, none of that has changed in the dawn of the EV Age. Image wrangling is still the Number 1 priority in this business. Why? The democratization of technology – particularly with the use of EV “skateboards” – and luxury has allowed auto manufacturers the world over to have access to the crucial ingredients that make automobiles desirable. And with supplier expertise greater than ever, any car company can dial up a witch’s brew of ingredients to compete in almost any segment they set their sights on. But does having the right cocktail of ingredients mean that success will be guaranteed? Not a chance, because the expertise of the rest of the organization in terms of design, engineering and product development comes into play. And even if the entire package is indeed thoroughly executed to the highest of standards, the last and most meaningful ingredient – brand image – has to be there in order for the effort to come together.

Sounds easy enough, doesn’t it? Dial in the correct brand image and everything will be good, right? Yes, but it’s just not that easy. Far from it, in fact. This business is littered with strategic missteps, ham-fisted executions, endless streams of miscalculations and that ever-present danger – rampant cluelessness – that can serve to impede a brand image from resonating in the market. Get it right and a manufacturer can live to fight another day. Nail it perfectly and a company may be able to build sustained momentum for a brand for years to come. Get it wrong and it will guarantee a life of misery for a brand as it flounders and sputters in the market.

Winning car companies understand that expert brand image wrangling can make or break their efforts. Having outstanding products is a fundamental requirement, of course, but knowing how to present those products and being able to expertly nurture a brand’s image completes the equation. And less-than-winning car companies, or car companies only intermittently able to be on their games for whatever the reasons –infighting, lack of talent, abject stupidity or all of the above – pay for their mistakes exponentially, compounding their troubles with each misstep.

That there is such a wide range of talent in the auto marketing ranks is no surprise, because it’s indicative of the general reality for the business as a whole. But this gaping disparity between a few star performers and the rest in the automotive marketing arena can have a devastating effect on a brand’s image, as you’ll see below.

Yes, some of the brands I’ll talk about today are blessed with auto marketers who actually get it and who know what their brands stand for (and almost more important, what they’re not), and the understanding that sometimes it’s better not to screw things up rather than set the world afire with their “I’m a genius, just ask me” brilliance. Other brands suffer the consequences of marketers who careen around throwing ideas and executions up against the wall to see what sticks, and their respective brand images pay dearly for it.

In this column, I assess automotive brands on their fundamental raison d’etre, and of course, in turn, the people responsible for shaping what those brands stand for directly or indirectly find themselves in the crosshairs too. And believe me, no matter where these marketers fall on the competence spectrum, many of them believe that they’ve got it goin’ on, even though that isn’t even remotely the case.

Automotive marketing is a very big deal. And expert brand image wrangling is a crucial part of making all of the effort to design and engineer great products worthwhile. Billions of dollars are spent on brand image wrangling by the auto companies each and every year. Why? Because having the “right” brand image is absolutely essential for market success.  

Executives at the underperforming car companies get into trouble because they actually start to think that they’re selling something they’re not, which leads them to deluding themselves into thinking that their products are something other than what they are. In other words, an incurable case of brand delusion.

And when the people running the company don’t know how and why the brand earned its chops to begin with and are confused as to what their brand stands for now, how can they possibly guide it properly? The painfully short answer? They can’t. And even worse, they allow the wrong products to creep into their portfolios, which ultimately will lead to a corrosive level of brand dilution. 

Add to all of this the sobering fact that with the onslaught of electrification, some of these brands are going to suffer greatly. There’s no soul in BEVs to begin with, and subtract the distinctive sounds associated with some of these brands, especially the luxury brands, and you have a recipe for disaster. Generally, every brand should be on alert because of the sameness of electrification, and the chances it could all go bad for some of them are very real. 

On that jarring note, the difference between getting things right and getting them horribly wrong when it comes to this brand image wrangling business is the finest of lines. But then again people are paid very well to do these jobs, so it’s okay to expect them to know what they’re doing, even though some clearly don’t.

So, who is on their game right now when it comes to this business of brand image wrangling? And who doesn’t even have a glimpse of a clue? Who deserves a bone or two, and who will go to bed without a treat? Let’s do it, shall we? Frankly, I think it’s important for me to say right up front that most brands are so fu-ked up now, I hardly know where to begin…

Acura. You could ask the following question of every brand in this column: What is _____ and why does it exist? In Acura’s case, does it represent the best of Honda? As someone who remembers the cool Acuras, like the high-revving Integras and such, I want it to be, but is it really? No. Sure, the rare NSX checks all of the right boxes, but what does it have to do with the rest of the lineup? Not much, it turns out. Acura continues to operate on the fringes of the top-tier luxury-performance segment, and it remains an enigma. Will this ever really change? I seriously doubt it. The honchos at Acura seem to think that they’re on the right track. They’re not of course, but unless and until they realize it, it’s more alphabet soup from Acura. This situation may well be enough for the overlords at Honda, but if I was associated with marketing Acura it wouldn’t be enough for me. Are Acura vehicles good? Yes, but you just feel that the brand is perpetually running in place, while lacking in overall juice. Just being present and accounted for doesn’t constitute a brand strategy, but that’s what Acura has been doing now for decades.

Alfa Romeo. I can appreciate the fact that Alfa Romeo considers itself the “march to a different drummer” Italian brand, but the painful reality is that Alfa Romeo is a niche brand that will always operate on the far edges of the automotive enthusiast spectrum. I used to think – albeit briefly – that this would be enough for the brand to survive here, and with the addition of the smaller Tonale hybrid crossover, there was an initial spike of optimism. But does Alfa Romeo really have a long-term chance in this market? Alfa operatives assigned to this task fervently believe so, but will be that enough? Wishful thinking doesn’t count for much in this business.

Aston Martin. If we go by the press releases alone, Aston Martin always seems to have it goin’ on. They continue to churn out limited editions and special editions, and their luxury SUV – the DBX – may just keep the company afloat. Fortunately for Aston Martin, the brand isn’t for everybody and in the nose-bleed segment it operates in, it still has an image of speed, power and drop-dead gorgeous design. But will that continue as the brand makes its obligatory foray into BEVs? That is highly questionable. But in the meantime, as long as Aston Martin continues to build some of the most stunningly beautiful cars on the road, machines that unquestionably live up to the legacy of the brand, it will be fine.

Audi. Audi has worked hard to ascend to the top tier of mainstream luxury brands here in the U.S. along with BMW, Lexus and Mercedes-Benz. But its transition to EVs – and the relentless price creep of its products – is presenting the brand with some daunting challenges. When Audi was a happening brand it could get away with its own version of the classic German automotive arrogance, but now? Not anymore. Audi doesn't just have a brand image in flux, it’s in serious trouble. I am confident that the Marketing Meisters at Audi will still take themselves much too seriously and allow their “holier than thou” attitude to dominate the advertising, which results in smarmy and annoying work. But that isn’t going to do much to alter the perception of Audi right now. It’s no longer a happening brand, even though Audi operatives refuse to admit it. No bones for you, Audi.

Bentley. Okay, to me the Bentayga SUV is an insult to everything Bentley should stand for, but this just in: Bentley can’t make enough of ‘em. Is the Bentley brand intact even after its foray into giant SUVs? Sure. In fact, some would argue that the brand has been made even stronger. I’m not one of them. I see that Bentley is teetering on becoming just another car company, and whether it can survive this latest chapter remains to be seen. I would still take a Continental GT V8, thank you very much, but it’s the Bentayga you see most of on the road these days. Is that the image Bentley wants to project? It seems that Bentley operatives are quite pleased with the profits from it, so the answer is “yes.” But Bentley’s raison d’etre is being seriously challenged here, and where this shakes out is another giant “we’ll see.”

BMW. The ubiquitous German brand, which once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away created its destiny with the funky little 2002, has shockingly become something else altogether. The blue and white “propeller” logo has become so ubiquitous on the streets and byways in the U.S. that it is akin to being the Chevy of German luxury brands. This is the result of leadership teams over the years pushing the brand into every segment – both real and imagined – that seemed to make sense. This quest to be in every garage in every well-heeled community in America has delivered vast profits for the propeller brigade, but it has gutted its brand integrity. Yes, they still crank out “M” versions to remind everyone of what they used to be about, but they’re not fooling anyone anymore, because BMW is now “all-in” on EVs and they’re hell-bent on shoving ‘em down our throats whether we want them, or not. BMW is just another car company cranking out SUVs, crossovers and EVs because, well, that’s what it is now and that’s what this business has become. Fold-in the brand’s constantly increasing prices, and you have a giant Wiener schnitzel of Not Good. Do any of these parameters change with BMW’s aggressive push into electrification? No, because all of the aforementioned negatives are not only present and accounted for when electrified, they’re exacerbated. BMW’s brand image is boneless, lost in a choking haze of profitability over integrity, and there’s no point wishing that somehow this will change. 

Buick. This GM division is a fully engaged SUV and crossover company now. And Buick is operating on the conceit that more SUVs and crossovers can only be construed as a good thing. (It does kind of remind me of the halcyon days of Oldsmobile when if one Cutlass was good, six of them would somehow be even better.) What does it all mean? Well, Buick is, all of a sudden, a happening brand for GM in the North American market. It seems that the powers that be have shifted strategies around and now view Buick as a strength in this market, instead of a Chinese market afterthought. Buick even has a brand-new theme, which is “Exceptional by Design” while featuring its new Envista – a premium small crossover – which points to the future design direction of the brand. Will it work? It remains to be seen, but at least that insipid music that underpinned the previous ad campaigns is now dead and buried, so there’s that.

Cadillac. Hard on the heels of launching some of the finest high-performance American cars ever built – the CT4-V Blackwing and the CT5-V Blackwing – Cadillac is now turning the page and going all-in on a fully electrified lineup. While it will stay the course with its luxury SUV juggernaut/ca$h machine – the Escalade – for the foreseeable future, the real action unfolding at Cadillac is its electric lineup. Except “unfolding” might not be the best word to use in describing the painfully pitiful rollout of Cadillac’s EVs. Cadillac slow-walked the Lyriq’s introduction into the market to the detriment of its credibility. Make no mistake, the Lyriq is a wonderfully executed vehicle in terms of design desirability, engineering and on-road presence. But the ramp-up was pathetically late, wasting months of outstanding advertising in the process. GM is assuring everyone that the Lyriq production cadence has now accelerated to meaningful numbers. Let’s hope so, because there has been a lot of time, energy and marketing budgets expended on it. And it’s time to put up or shut up as they say. The handbuilt, super-limited, hyper-luxury Celestiq on the other hand, is one of the most exciting automobiles to come out of the Motor City in decades. The Celestiq is all about enhancing image, projecting prestige and presenting a technical tour de force for Cadillac and GM to the world. And it delivers on that promise in prodigious amounts. The Lyriq, however, is aimed at the heart of the upper-mainstream luxury market. And GM is dependent on it to deliver on the brand image it wants to project. Cadillac marketers have the monumental task of creating that magic "I want one" for the brand. And that goes beyond making consumers take notice, especially in this new EV era. It’s all about creating desire for the brand. Cadillac has a historical legacy matched by few automotive brands in the world, yet it doesn’t occupy nearly enough space in the luxury market, which is a giant wreath and crest of Not Good. No bones available. At least not yet.

Chevrolet. There’s no question that nurturing one of the most iconic American brands of all time presents one of the biggest challenges in automotive marketing. If Chevy marketers spend too much time wallowing in nostalgia, they’re in danger of miring the brand in the past, which would threaten to leave it behind in the market. If, on the other hand, they get too far over their skis, there’s a danger of projecting the brand as something it isn’t. We’re talking again about an extremely fine line here. And while operating with one of the biggest marketing budgets out there, the stakes for Chevrolet marketers are huge. The key going forward for Chevrolet will not be its promised mainstream EVs, which are missing in action and excruciatingly slow to fruition, but the continuing success of its formidable ICE portfolio: Tahoe, Blazer, Trax, Equinox, Suburban, Silverado and of course, Corvette. Chevrolet as a brand has always had a huge upside, but its lethargic move to EVs - in fits and starts - is threatening to cost the brand dearly. One good thing? They finally buried “Find New Roads,” which was the most listless brand theme ever unleashed for Chevrolet. The bad thing? It was replaced by “Together We Drive,” which is instantly forgettable. Bones in limbo, for now.

Chrysler. Would you miss it? Because the “why” of Chrysler – other than vans – has been lost for a while now. Is that going to be enough? Nope.

Corvette. The rollout of the eighth-generation mid-engine Corvette has been everything GM and Chevrolet had hoped it would be. A milestone machine, the eighth-generation Corvette presents the latest – and very best – thinking of GM’s True Believers, and it’s a remarkable statement for the end of the ICE Age. With the unveiling of the hybrid E-Ray Corvette, and new Corvette models due to appear in other segments, Corvette as a brand is solidifying its reputation as a force to be reckoned with in the market. And for countless True Believers of the brand, it is long overdue. Despite too many previous GM marketing missteps with the brand, the Corvette name and image have managed to shine through. And I expect that this will not only continue going forward, it will be enhanced. In fact, until further notice, the Corvette shares the top tier in our AE Brand Image Meter. 

Dodge. It’s duly noted that muscle cars and cop cars are this brand’s thing. Is that enough to go on? Apparently not, as Stellantis is promising to unleash “new” muscle-fied EVs, complete with artificially-projected growling sound effects. Let's just say I won’t be shocked if a great deal gets lost in the translation. In the meantime, Dodge is the brand for people who don’t want to live in today’s world. Can’t say that I blame them, but the harsh reality is that the life expectancy of this muscle circus is fading fast.

Ferrari. The brand with the impeccable legacy and unequaled image seems to find a never-ending supply of moneyed enthusiasts to seduce. That some of those true Ferrari enthusiasts are drifting off to other shiny automotive objects, or drifting off of this Mortal Coil permanently, is not lost on Ferrari management. Ferrari’s answer? Ramp up its volume, as in almost 50 percent more, while continuing to deliver an endless supply of sensational cars, like the nostalgia-fueled Roma and the lusciously seductive 296 GTB. Add to these machines the stunning, V12-powered, $400,000 Purosangue crossover, and you have a brand that’s not only not shying away from the realities of the market, but instead one that’s putting its foot down hard on the throttle. Can Ferrari prove to be different from the other hyper-luxury high-performance manufacturers by being able to hold on to its rarefied brand image? It already has. Which is why it remains at the top of the AE Brand Image Meter along with the other select few. Ferrari gets a prosciutto-encrusted T-Bone, at least for now.

Fiat. Really? It's dead to me. Stellantis Brand Guru Olivier “I’m a genius just ask me” Francois is trying to convince us that the electric 500e is worth considering. Don’t kid yourself. It isn’t.

Fisker. There is no more delusional car executive in this business than Henrik Fisker (well, except for St. Elon, who occupies a dimension of delusion all to himself). An obviously gifted designer, he has been operating on the principle that his talent justifies the means associated with running a real live car company. And it doesn’t - in fact it never has. Just ask Preston Tucker. Fisker has duped investors to believe in his schtick for well over a decade now, but this time, he has gone too far. There’s just no “there” there with Fisker. His Ocean SUV, which he promised would redefine the segment, instead was launched without a shred of justification to do so, to the point that, in an unprecedented move, flat-out recommended that buyers simply stay away from it. (It seems that the value of the Ocean SUV Edmunds tested dropped by two-thirds in just 20,000 miles, it is so undercooked.) Now, it seems that the prospects for Fisker are Not. Very. Good. As in bankruptcy is expected. Fisker should go back to designing – for someone else. And he should never be allowed to put his name on a car company again.

Ford. It’s no secret that I’m not buying the “Grand Transformation” at Ford under its current CEO Messiah du jour, who is desperately insisting that Ford will be something that it will never be: a tech company that happens to build vehicles. The CEO suffers from the “whoever he spoke to last” syndrome, which dictates direction and perceived relevant thought. The result is a careening CEO with an organization scrambling to make sense of his latest weekly missives. Setting that aside, Ford is a car company of wild contradictions. On the one hand, it's one of America's iconic brands, boasting the F-150, which is the envy of the industry, the Bronco, and the always faithful ICE Mustang. (No, not the Mach-E, the faux Mustang – which is piling up on dealer lots as you read this.) Ford has halted production of its electric F-150 Lightning because, guess what? The demand isn’t there. It seems that pickup owners who actually use their trucks for pickup truck things have found the Lightning to be decidedly lacking in a number of areas. While Ford’s CEO continues to backpedal away from EVs while trying to keep the company functioning, the most important product Ford has introduced in decades in terms of affordability, the Maverick, remains hot. Where Ford goes from here is anyone’s guess. Is it a mobility company like its CEO envisioned? I’m not buying that in the least. Especially if the pursuit of mobility forces the company to take its eye off of the ball and gets in the way of Ford’s real bread-and-butter business. If, on the other hand, Ford puts the pedal down hard and keeps its product focus and momentum, it can remain a formidable competitor for the foreseeable future. The AE Brand Image Meter rating for Ford is split. If we’re talking about the F-150 pickup, it’s white hot and one of five top-rated brands in our ratings. As for the rest of the machinations going on at Ford, like the endless recalls and the endless self-promotional bluster of its CEO? Boneless. And the less heard about that, the better.

Fu-King Motors. James “Jimmy” Fu and S. L. “Sonny” King have admitted to me that the entire company continues to be on hold, except for the six-wheeled, all-electric, Fu-King Gargantuan SUV. They freely admit that the shortages have decimated Fu-King Motors, and in the meantime, they’ve been spending a lot of their downtime partying. (Shocker -WG.) The only “new” news about the Gargantuan is that its six wheel-driven electric motors will have a projected output of 2,500HP, a 500HP increase. Add to that incredible number the following: 10,000 lbs., retractable electric step ladders (“not steps, ladders,” Jimmy insists) and “a look that will humiliate all that other crap out there,” according to Sonny. When I asked about the price, Jimmy and Sonny answered in unison in their now standard refrain: “Enough to make grown men cry!” Any other plans while waiting the chip shortage out? “Press conferences!” they said in unison. “Dog and Monkey shows!” Seems logical, at this juncture. “We dangle the bait and flip the switch!” I could have pointed out a few linguistic disconnects at this point, but I didn’t bother. I admit to being completely biased in all of this, but Fu-King Motors remains the greatest brand of all time. All hail Jimmy and Sonny – the Kings of Boneville! 

Genesis. The luxury division of Hyundai is presenting machines that are exceptionally executed, artfully rendered and offering real value in the luxury space. The real challenge for Genesis marketers is to go beyond the brand’s early adopters in order to gain consideration from those serious consumers out there with the financial wherewithal to actually buy or lease one of their vehicles. Not an easy task by any means, but the Genesis products are beautifully turned out and hold up to close inspection. Right now, word of mouth and favorable reviews are carrying the water for Genesis. But that can only go so far and will take a long, long time to gain traction. Genesis needs a serious, big-dollar, consistent marketing push. It won’t earn its bones in this market without it.

GMC. This brand just keeps on chugging, in some cases even defying rational thinking. Everyone knows that GMC vehicles are massaged versions of Chevrolet models, but the difference is in the details, and right now consumers are digging those details. And it’s no secret that with each new model iteration, GMC is carving out its own distinct product identity. As for GMC advertising, it has been a hit and miss affair. When it hits, it’s pretty good. When it misses, it’s eminently forgettable, if not annoying. (The brand’s latest spot, which touts the Sierra as the pickup truck, is the single most offensive spot currently running. As in Please. Stop It. -WG) I chalk up GMC's success to a very clear-cut marketing reality: For consumers, GMC isn’t a Chevy, which apparently counts for a lot. And it’s not a Cadillac, either, which in their minds counts for even more, not being showy types and all, even though GMC pricing is frightfully close to Cadillac. GMC is a solid brand – the kind that has a T-Bone steak and eggs for breakfast – which in this chaotic marketing world still counts for something.

Honda. The brand with such a rich legacy seems to be on the rebound with consumers, which is noteworthy. Honda is touting that it is getting back to its roots, with company operatives insisting that’s why things are on the upswing for the brand. Though Honda and its dealers had been crippled by the lack of products available to sell, that’s all changed now and the dramatically improved sales results have Honda on the serious rebound. Honda enjoys a positive brand image for some very good reasons, not the least of which is the fact that they never abandoned hybrids, which is paying huge dividends for the brand right now. Honda used to accumulate bones by the bushel, and now, it’s getting back to its rightful place in the market.

Hummer: It's the brand that never went away, even after GM put it on the shelf in the heat of the bankruptcy. And that's a good thing, because before GM operatives put Hummer to sleep, it was the King of Off-Road, with even Jeep reluctantly having to play a gloomy second fiddle to it. Now? Hummer is (sort of) back. But being electrified, fortified and magnified has not translated to overnight success, because production problems have crippled GM’s huge EV. Yes, nothing comes close to it in the segment and Hummer enjoys a truly legendary brand image, but it’s not enough to remain at the top level of the AE Brand Image Meter.

Hyundai. Hyundai still suffers from a severe case of TMMS (Too Many Models Syndrome), which results in a confusing showroom filled with a lineup of cars and SUVs that blend together and land on top of each other in the market. But there’s no denying that these are, for the most part, excellent products. The fundamental problem for Hyundai marketers is telling its product story in a compelling way, while presenting an image that resonates with consumers. So far, they’re doing this in spurts – some good and some bad – but that’s not even close to being good enough. Brand image? Confused. The word of mouth about Hyundai among consumers is stronger than the actual marketing and advertising being presented. That’s good, but it’s not enough to get the brand where it needs – and wants – to go.

Infiniti. Quite simply, Nissan’s luxury brand has had its following, a core group of consumers who for some reason can’t be bothered with other Japanese brands, let alone with the go-to German luxury brands. In the past, you would call Infiniti the “marching to a different drummer” brand, but that would be attaching too much gravitas to it, and besides, Alfa Romeo has now claimed that space. No, Infiniti has been a cynical ploy by Nissan to grab a share of a market that it believes it has just as much right to as any other manufacturer. Except everything about Infiniti seems like Nissan operatives are phoning it in, and devoid of a single original thought. Infiniti is now officially a “ghost” brand, one that’s invisible except for the select few who have been issued the special glasses from the factory so that they can appreciate the inherent goodness of the brand. Brand Image? A well-intentioned – albeit boneless – afterthought. And one not long for this world without a major reboot.

Jaguar.  Jaguar used to be on a brief roll. Now? It doesn’t exactly feel that way, does it? In fact, it seems to be missing in action altogether. The brand is still standing, but that may not be enough when the next Giant Automotive Downturn happens. That’s when brands like Jaguar will take it on the chin, and it just may not make the cut.

Jeep. This American icon used to occupy a top spot in the AE Brand Image Meter, but the magic has slipped. Stellantis marketers and product planners have a serious case of the Red Pricing Mist, exemplified by the usurious option prices put in place on Jeeps. It has gotten so bad that it’s almost laughable, if it wasn’t so pathetic. The Jeep option list – which is an homage to Porsche marketers, the OGs of Greed – creatively gouges customers in the interest of considerable short-term profits. But long term, that pricing strategy is hurting the company. Jeep customers basically have to sign up for a vehicle and then build-out what they really want with the pricey option list. The result? Jeep prices are soaring through the roof. No, I’m not against auto companies making profits, that’s the name of the game after all. But gouging people? That’s another thing altogether. It’s no secret that this brand, with the impeccable credentials and unrivaled imagery attached to it, has benefited from some superb image wrangling. But all of that wonderful image wrangling comes apart when showroom prices are too damn high. Yeah, Jeep is still near the top of our AE Brand Image Meter, but it’s coming dangerously close to screwing the whole thing up. 

Kia. It used to be the case that consumers didn’t really care how Korean auto executives parsed their brands, because Kia and Hyundai both fell into that subset of “deal” brands in the American market. Then the hotter-than-hot Telluride came along, which changed the game for Kia, moving the needle for the brand in a big way. But it proved to be only the beginning, and Kia’s days of being the “commodity car” brand are long gone. In, fact, the company’s bold move into electrification with its spectacular EV6 and EV9 – and more EVs to come - has changed the game again, and Kia has ascended to be a frontline player, occupying one of the top spots in our AE Brand Meter.

Lamborghini. This exotic, high-performance Italian supercar brand is aimed at knowledgeable enthusiasts who don’t worship at the altar of the Prancing Horse. Everything about Lamborghini has been elevated, from the products to its brand image. In ancient times, the name Lamborghini would never have been uttered in the same breath as Ferrari. Now? There are plenty of enthusiasts out there who consider Lamborghini to be the most desirable exotic Italian sports car. Add the runaway success of the Urus to the mix, and Lamborghini is healthy, happy, boned-up… and H-O-T.

Land Rover. That these super-luxury crossovers and SUVs have found such favor in suburban jungles across America is still a little bit hard to believe. It wasn’t too long ago that Land Rovers were something to appreciate but not drive, because they were too problematic for most people to deal with. And this just in: They still are. Problems abound with these vehicles and a lot of the company’s buyers are part of the “one and done” club, which isn’t sustainable. Even though Land Rovers bristle with cachet and boast sumptuous interiors, its role as one of the touchstones of affluent suburbia is not etched in stone. In fact, it used to occupy one of the top spots of the AE Brand Image Meter. Not anymore.

Lexus. Toyota’s luxury brand has moved beyond the “excellent service and customer care” brand to occupy the steadily consistent and predictable luxury space. And that’s just fine, I guess. Are the cars good? They are. And there are plenty of people – the Lexus core buyers to be exact – who like Lexus just the way it is. Impeccable customer service still resonates, of course, and as long as Lexus doesn’t stray too far from that winning formula, it will continue to be a bone-filled force in the luxury market.

Lincoln. Lincoln has come a long way, and its calculated product development direction to make its interiors sumptuous and alluring paid notable dividends, at least initially. But the buzz around the brand has stagnated. Lincoln has a name with historical relevance, but that is no longer enough. This is a business that revolves around the idiom of “what have you done for us lately?” Which begs the obvious question to Lincoln marketers: What exactly have you done for us lately?

Lotus. Talk about the OG “marching to a different drummer” car company, Lotus is that and more. Colin Chapman, who rightfully sits among the greats of automotive history, was the brilliant innovator whose designs for Lotus racing and street cars remain legendary to this day. The fact that Lotus still exists with its founder’s name on it is one of the miracles of the modern automotive age, as its tumultuous history can attest. But then again there have always been True Believers associated with the brand it seems, and they have managed to keep the flame alive through some very lean times. Lotus cars aren’t for everyone, thank goodness, and it’s easy to see why people seriously looking at the Porsche 718 won’t give the Emira a cursory look. But that will be their mistake and it’s probably as it should be, because Lotus has always appealed to iconoclast enthusiasts, those who march to a different drummer themselves. Lotus has had an infusion of ca$h from China, and I believe the future of the brand is secure. Lotus has a new glow and new hope. But my personal interest stops with the Emira, as I view that machine the last true Lotus. The upcoming EVs from Lotus? Not interested.

Lucid. The marketing for the Lucid Air has been some of the most arrogant in automotive history. As in “We’re Lucid, and you’re not.” And that was all well and good for a while, until the handful of first-on-the-block buyers played out. Now, Lucid finds itself in a deep, dark hole, sitting on fully-loaded examples of its EV sedans in a market that’s looking for clarity. Translation? More affordable EVs are needed. And Lucid is ill-equipped to come up with them fast enough. The “air” hissing out of Lucid headquarters is bone-chilling. And there’s no warmup in sight. We’re looking at a company that’s on the edge of existence.

Maserati. This luxury performance machine is the attractive Italian sports car brand name with a historical legacy that repeatedly suffers in comparison to the rest of the competition. Does Maserati have attractive cars? Yes, somewhat, but the brand is not top of mind. In other words, Maserati exists, but in a galaxy far, far away from the real luxury-performance retail action. Will the Grecale SUV save the company? It might keep the brand above water, but just barely. The AE Brand Image Meter? The bones are few and far between for Maserati. It still has some appeal, but only for those who still give a shit.

Mazda. Even though Mazda builds some notably outstanding cars, the brand always seems to be scrambling for respectability. Will it ever be more than it is right now, the scrappy purveyor of interesting cars if you would just take the time to look, and a media fanboy favorite? I seriously doubt it. And with Mazda operatives now pursuing a level of elevated legitimacy through luxury, are there any guarantees that Mazda can take the next step up? No. Sometimes big-league brand image wrangling involves knowing what the brand isn’t. If you’re into the brand, it’s hot. For most of the rest of the automotive world it’s – when is The Masters again?

McLaren. This exotic English sports car micro-manufacturer keeps pouring on the credibility by building formidable high-performance machines that supersede the one before. Except that they’re getting dangerously close to churning out too many incremental variations on the same theme, which is annoying because it suggests that they’re listening too closely to the dulcet tones of their own thought balloons. That said, though Ferrari may dismiss McLaren as a legitimate threat to its perpetual dominance of the hyper-exotic car market, the British supercar maker boasting the legacy of one of racing’s true legends keeps making serious inroads onto Ferrari’s turf. I wouldn’t bet against McLaren, because the entire organization is focused on delivering excellence, except when it comes to its lukewarm racing exploits, apparently. 

Mercedes-Benz. As I’ve said countless times before, when Mercedes is “on” – see the various Mercedes-AMG entries and the perpetually hot G-Class, for instance – they build absolutely glorious machines that live up to one of the great legacies in the automotive world. When they’re off, well, they can stink up the joint like no other. Part of the problem is the fact that Daimler is forced to stretch out its model lineup because it’s trying to fight a brutally competitive auto world without the resources of the other auto manufacturer conglomerates. But the majority of the problem lies in previously piss-poor marketing and advertising strategies that have deeply damaged the brand. And now that Mercedes has decided to walk-back its EV commitment to a certain extent, it’s apparent that left to its own devices, the company is still capable of screwing everything up. The Mercedes-Benz brand is on a perpetual roller-coaster ride, which means it’s always teetering on being the latest Answer to the Question that Absolutely No One is Asking. 

Mini. The brand that was initially successful is about to fall out of the market altogether, despite the protestations of its BMW overlords. The reality is that the brand was played out in the U.S. five years ago, and there’s not much BMW can do to stop the freefall. I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow for most car executives, especially since they’re constantly reminded of their brilliance by hordes of bootlicking minions looking for their next promotion, but for BMW/Mini executives this pirouette into The Abyss has been a humiliating and inevitable blow. Mini exists in its own little world, which seems to be a speck in everyone’s rearview mirror at this point.

Mitsubishi. Not now. Not ever.

Nissan. This company occupies space in the U.S. market, and that is about all I can say about it. Does it offer excellent products? Well, sort of, but not really. In fact, they’re mediocre and for the most part, hideous to look at. Is the marketing decent? Some of the Brie Larson creative is very well done, but that isn’t nearly enough. The only rational reason – and I am paraphrasing a hoary adage by H. L. Mencken here – is that no one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. Mediocrity, when it comes to automobiles, is bliss for most consumers, apparently, because at the end of the day too many of them don’t understand the difference and couldn't be bothered to care, as long as the payment is where it needs to be. Confounding and tragic, but there you have it. Despite Nissan operatives’ best efforts, I have full confidence that the abject mediocrity will continue.

Polestar. The thinking person’s EV? Sort of. Polestar is an attractive alternative brand, at best. The built-in quirkiness will only be able to take the brand so far, but we’d take any of its offerings over anything from Tesla any damn day. Polestar gets a free day pass to The Boneyard.

Porsche. The OGs of Greed, those wonderful folks who created and refined the concept of the Hose-O-Rama Option List to achieve spectacular levels of enhanced profitability. To say that it works exceptionally well for them is an understatement. Despite almost unconscionable levels of arrogance, Porsche is the automotive company that’s better at executing a vision for its brand and staying relentlessly focused to the task at hand than any other car company in the world, except for Ferrari. Porsche’s mission has been to build the most enticing enthusiast machines they can muster, and in the process of doing so it has made Porsche one of the most desirable automotive brands in the world and one of the top-tier brands on the AE Brand Image Meter. But, there’s a giant “but” lingering out there. (Yes, there’s always a “but” -WG.) The VW Group’s push into BEVs has proven to be challenging for Porsche operatives in Zuffenhausen. Yes, the Taycan was initially a hit, but it has cooled considerably. Porsche insisted that the ubiquitous industry parts shortage problem back then decimated Taycan sales, and that is partially true, but it doesn’t account for all of the slowdown. I think there’s more to it than that. Devoid of sound – electronically manufactured or no – a BEV Porsche is a BEV. Meaning that for all intents and purposes, it’s a soulless appliance with Porsche accoutrements. Sure, Taycan has the Porsche look, the badges and the instant monster torque of a BEV – and, of course the usurious option list – but beyond that, what? And this has nothing to do about Porsche purists vs. the onslaught of inexorable change, either. This is about the Porsche brand potentially losing its raison d’etre overnight. Porsche’s savvy marketing operatives are acutely aware that the momentum for the brand won’t last indefinitely without consistent efforts at shoring up the brand’s legacy. Even with a brand that has been wildly successful for a long, long time, Porsche True Believers understand that they will have to fight and claw to maintain their grip on the soul of the company. And this is being tested more than ever with the brand’s foray into BEVs, especially now that the company has announced an upcoming three-row SUV. With this move, and despite all of its glorious success, Porsche is about to find out just how fragile this brand image business really is. 

Ram Trucks. As I've said repeatedly, crafting a brand image is one of the most challenging tasks in this business. The True Believers out in Auburn Hills know trucks, and they're building a first-class pickup truck. But there's more to it than that. Not only are they executing their trucks almost flawlessly in terms of design, engineering and features, they've managed to hit it out of the park when it comes to image wrangling. The only questions remaining are: How far can Ram go, and how long can they keep up this momentum in the EV era?

Rivian. Exceptionally well-executed with impressive design presence, the Rivian models lack some of the consumer-focused interior details that other manufacturers get right, but it drives well and delivers the right amount of cachet for buyers willing to shell out six figures. Can the brand keep it up and can it consistently deliver what it does best while bringing out less expensive models? A giant “we’ll see” but in the meantime this is another brand with a double-secret pass to The Boneyard.

Rolls Royce. Old School before Old School was even remotely cool again, Rolls Royce is still firmly planted in its own little brand world – especially with such products as the iconic Phantom, the riveting Ghost, the majestic Wraith and the seductive Dawn. Rolls operatives couldn’t resist taking the regrettable – and insanely profitable – step into SUV Hell with the Cullinan, but that’s the way of the auto world right now. And as far as Rolls-Royce is concerned, what a wonderful, splendiferous world it is. The Rolls-Royce brand Image is impeccable and still smokin’ hot.

Subaru. The most successful brand that no one thinks about (except for its rabid owners), Subaru has attracted loyal followers by emphasizing function over fantasy, and detailed execution over smoke-and-mirrors gimmickry. More important, unlike some other automotive entities we know, Subaru marketers understand what the brand is and what it isn’t, and because of this and its focused consistency, it has been rewarded with intense brand loyalty. As long as Subaru marketers continue to clearly understand who its customers are and what the brand means to people – and to their animal friends – it’s going to continue to reap the kudos (and an endless supply of bones) and the profits. Subaru continues to maintain its place in the top tier of the AE Brand Image Meter. 

Tesla. Nothing new here. With blue-sky thinking, old-time religion, and enough smoke and mirrors to last this industry a frickin’ lifetime, Elon Musk is a huge success, dammit, and don’t you dare forget it. Tesla is the car built for politicians in Washington and Northern California, and EcoSwells needing even more validation for who they think they are. But it’s no secret that the Tesla miracle has finally run out of juice. Elon’s embarrassing foray in buying Twitter has exposed him for what he is: a petulant brat who's in desperate need of someone to tell him "no." And consequently, Tesla's image has taken a huge hit. But make no mistake, to the green intelligentsia, Tesla is still The White-Hot Future. For the rest of us, it’s a rocket ride to oblivion. 

Toyota. Toyota is back with a renewed sense that it can do whatever it wants whenever it wants to. Why? It is armed with the richest war chest in this business by far (it dwarfs the other top companies combined), which allows the company the wherewithal to pursue anything it wants to do. Toyota’s resilience and success in the market are proof positive of its focused consistency, and it never, ever quits. The blandtastic appliance era for Toyota is fading from view, thanks to Akio Toyoda’s push to heat things up. The air of substance at Toyota is growing, and it shows. The EV question is still hanging over Toyota like a guillotine, however, but I tend to agree with the company in its insistence that it will be able to cover all the bases, because no one does hybrids like Toyota. Anyone counting out Toyota at this juncture is a fool.

Volvo. This car company has honed its product focus to such an extent that it has become a force to be reckoned with again. Volvo used to be the brand for people who questioned why they even bothered to own a car in the first place. Not anymore. Now, Volvo is a smart choice, with EV savvy thrown into the mix. Bones all around.

VW. It’s easy to see why people love the VW brand because it provides an interesting alternative to the American, Japanese and Korean brands, while adhering to the basic values of overall efficiency with a fun-to-drive component that still resonates with consumers. It doesn’t hurt that VW offers two of the best enthusiast cars in the market in the GTI and the R, either. And the Atlas SUV and Cross Sport have been a much-needed boon (bone? -WG) for dealers. The VW brand is still alive and somewhat well, but will its push into EVs amount to anything, beyond being present and accounted for in the space? Another giant “we’ll see.”

As I've stated repeatedly, if this stuff were easy, everyone would have 30 percent market share and the streets in auto centers around the world would be paved with platinum. And when you listen to the blah-blah-blah from CEOs long enough, you get the idea that is exactly what they expect. But this just in: It doesn’t work that way, and when you have multiple manufacturers clamoring for the same slice of the pie and making the same sort of promises, something has to give, which means brand image becomes even more crucial.

This automotive marketing business is tough, unforgiving and relentless. Hundred-million-dollar marketing campaigns can be left in a smoldering heap by the side of the road because of a bold miscalculation, a flat-out wrong-headed decision or auto executives egos running amuck. Or, as I like to call it, The Trifecta of Not Good. 

That last one can be particularly devastating, because as smart as some of these people think they are, their ability to sort through the real from the imaginary sometimes gets lost in translation. Much of this is the result of a completely unrealistic assessment by these executives as to their brand's place in the automotive world. They are so buried in the day-to-day minutiae of it all that they simply don't have the wherewithal to step back and objectively see or understand what's really going on. And to compound that, they don't really like people telling them what to do or that they're wrong either, because after all they're geniuses, remember? Just ask them. 

After going on 25 years of writing this column, I find the insularity at the auto companies to be astonishing. Understandable, mind you, but still astonishing. That's really the only adjective that fits. This insularity causes major missteps and blown opportunities left and right. When I see an iconic brand offering so much to work with, with so much historical relevance to bring to bear and yet it is so misguided and mishandled, it is simply unconscionable. Squandering a legacy is unforgivable in my book. 

I would suggest that the brand marketers who got hammered in our latest Brand Image Meter go back and reread my words carefully, because though painful, half the battle is realizing what you're doing wrong before you can even begin to see your way clear to making things right. As for the rest who fared better, I wouldn't get too complacent, because you're only one boneheaded decision away from disaster. 

Automakers that are in search of a brand image and understand the power that comes with having a solid one garner the tiniest bit of slack from me, because at least they know what they want and where they need to go. But the automakers that have a brand image and don’t have the first clue as to what to do with it, or worse – have squandered a great brand legacy because of cluelessness, ineptitude, or both – draw zero sympathy from me.

It’s duly noted that the companies that are overflowing with True Believers and that focus every waking moment on the integrity and the fundamental desirability of the product are doing very well right now in the brand image department, and they will continue to do so. 

The rest? Well, for them flailing and floundering about seems to be standard operating procedure, if not a full-time career trajectory. And living in a world of reduced expectations is oddly comforting for them.

Brand image is a fleeting thing, except for those brand marketers who understand how they got it, what it took to get it to that point, and what it will take to keep it.

For the brand marketers who just got trounced by our latest Brand Image Meter, the High-Octane Truth is a bitter pill indeed.

And that’s the High-Octane Truth for this week.



Editor's Note: Click on "Next 1 Entries" at the bottom of this page to see previous issues. - WG